Dr. Alina Küper: Das Wendland ist ein Lebensgefühl
Über das praktische Lernen im Berliner Startup, Energiequellen und die eigene Tierarztpraxis im Wendland… Mehr lesen
Wendlandleben.de 10.02.2024

There is no Border between Humans and Nature.
During the four decades the border strip was highly militarized, 1,200 rare plant and animal species found refuge there. At first the story seemed straightforward: Humans are agents of destruction; nature is better off when we are kept out. But perhaps the Green Belt gives us a glimpse into another story… one that goes back 12,000 years.
Read more. The Revelator, June 26, 2024

Dismantling the Walls in Our Heads.
The Berlin Wall fell more than three decades ago—but political, social, and economic divides between East and West Germany continue to reverberate, even among those born after Reunification.
Read my article in SAPIENS magazine.
November 9, 2023

Ramtin Zanjani: Keine Investition, sondern unser Zuhause
Über Produktfotografie, einen ehemaligen Lokschuppen und die neue Welle der Kunst im Wendland: Ramtin Zanjani liebt Teheran, London und Berlin. Jetzt vermisst er das Wendland, wenn er woanders ist…Mehr lesen.
Wendlandleben.de 08.11.2023

Bildhauerin Chenxi Zhong – Das Dorf und die Welt
Über Heimat, Platz für Kunst und die Vision für ein historisches Sägewerk.
Ihre erste Nacht in Deutschland verbrachte Chenxi Zhong in einer Bushaltestelle.
Mehr lesen
Wendlandleben.de, 23.09. 2023

“Erstaunt über diese Ecke von Deutschland”
Fotograf, Naturschwimmbad-Vorstand, Kümmerer (uvm) Jörg Fischer über heißen Kaffee für helfende Hände, kaltes Wasser im Naturbad und wie ehrenamtliches Engagement beim Ankommen auf dem Lande hilft. Mehr lesen

Eastern Sea, in Cold Lake Anthology
Book launch July 9, 2023! You can join us one of two ways. For those local to Burlington, we will be meeting in person at the lovely Hotel Vermont’s Juniper room. And for those who can’t make it to the hotel, it will be a hybrid event. Get your free ticket today. You can also pre-order your very own copy here.

Day of German Unity: Angela Merkel’s East German Past.
Guest Esssay; Barre Montpelier Times Argus, October 5, 2022. For most of her sixteen years as German chancellor, Angela Merkel said little about her East German past. On her last Day of German Unity as chancellor, she shared a personal perspective. Access the original version of this essay here.

The Walls in Our Heads.
Guest Esssay; Barre Montpelier Times Argus, April 24, 2021.
Courageous peaceful protesters brought down the Berlin Wall in 1989. Could we have a Peaceful Revolution in the U.S.? Access the original version of this guest essay on my blog

Border Forests: Legacies of the Iron Curtain.
Northern Woodlands magazine, Spring 2016
…”In short, the story in this landscape is that the former death strip has been transformed into Germany’s longest, skinniest nature preserve – the Grünes Band (Green Belt). Ironically, during the 40 years that people were kept out of the border strip, this inhospitable place became a refuge for plant and animal species that were losing habitat to development and agriculture on both sides of the border: Some 1,200 rare and threatened species have been documented in the former border so far.”

Burlington’s Wild Heart: Meet Field Naturalist Alicia Daniel
Burlington Free Press, February 7, 2016
Forestry in Iceland?
Northern Woodlands magazine, Winter 2015
In these Woods: Finding Renewal in the Borderland.
Vermont Quarterly, Fall 2015
A Different Kind of Flower Show
Charlotte News, May 2011
Plants and People: Questions of Place and Belonging
Valley News, June 6, 2005